Portrait Rangoli Artworks By Indian Artist Ketan Patil


Portrait Rangoli Art Painting By Ketan Patil

Portrait rangoli art painting by Indian artist Ketan Patil is quite popular on the internet. He is a portrait rangoli artist from Maharashtra, India. During Hindu festivals like Ganesh Chathurthi, he is quite a busy man, since many people approach him for his beautiful rangoli art. He has the vision to create 3d portrait rangoli art which can be mistaken for a painting. His 3d portrait rangoli art of a sleeping dancer is quite popular amongst his fans. He enjoys sharing stories of hindu gods through his portrait rangoli designs. The mythological characters are portrayed with beautiful colors and filled with intricate detailing, which only a talented rangoli artist can replicate. The 3d portrait rangoli art painting of a sleeping dancer is simply mind-blowing. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Hyper realistic portrait rangoli art painting by ketan patil
Realistic portrait rangoli art painting by ketan patil

Portrait Rangoli Art Painting Ganesh Ketan Patilportrait rangoli art painting ganesh ketan patil Portrait Rangoli Art Painting God Ketan Patilportrait rangoli art painting god ketan patil

Name: Ketan Patil


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