Deepa rangoli with 15x8 dots | deepam muggulu | vilaku kolam | diwali rangoli | rangoli artworks

Deepa Rangoli with 15x8 dots | Deepam Muggulu | Vilaku Kolam | Diwali rangoli | Rangoli artworks

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Check the link for coloured version of this rangoli.

Rangoli is an art form, originating in the Indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, flowers, and diyas. The purpose of Rangoli is decoration and it is thought to bring good luck. It is usually done by the womenfolk of the house early in the morning every day. During Diwali, Hindus draw bright Rangoli patterns on the floor by the front door to encourage the goddess Lakshmi to enter their homes.

In today's video, I will show you how to make a Beautiful deepa Rangoli design with 15x8 dots.



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